History Revealed, Inc. is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit, historical research organization.
We focus on learning more about lesser-known individuals and groups of people from the past with a particular emphasis on individuals and communities whose stories were not historically told. Using historic documents, artifacts, buildings, and the landscape, we connect the dots of information in search of the larger story of these individuals and groups.
Because accessibility of our research is important to us, we engage in crowdsourcing to aid us and the public in making research discoveries. We create digital presentations and publications that showcase not only the data but also provide historical context and connections.
We actively seek partnerships with universities, museums, and other historical organizations to exchange ideas, suggest solutions, and implement strategies to further advance the understanding of historically forgotten individuals and communities relating to the American experience.
To find out more about History Revealed, Inc., have a look at our Projects, visit our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter.
Our Team

Molly H. Kerr
Molly’s interest in colonial history began as a child growing up in a community steeped in stories of Virginia’s first Revolutionary War battle, the Battle of Great Bridge (1775). Her interest in that battle continued through college with an independent study as an undergraduate (University of Mary Washington, then Mary Washington College) to conduct excavations on the Anglican chapel of ease that housed the patriot soldiers during the battle, and ultimately, led to her master’s thesis (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville) reporting the results and discussing the community memory surrounding the site and the battle in the present.
While Molly's degrees focus on cultural anthropology and public archaeology, her experiences vary from teaching teachers how to make history more engaging in the classroom to the creation of a database cataloging the enslaved of George Washington. She also designed an oral history program on behalf of the Norfolk County Historical Society of Chesapeake and created lesson plans for teachers on archaeology. Most recently, she developed a crowd-sourced transcription project for the John Glassford Papers, featuring stores in Alexandria and Colchester, Virginia.
In all Molly's efforts, she attempts to impart her enthusiasm and passion for history and attempts to show the connection between the past and the present. She especially enjoys working with learners of all levels from grade school to retirees. Whether it be talking to a 2nd grade class or presenting to her peers at a conference, Molly wants to make all forms of history accessible and relevant to everyone.

Esther C. White
Trained as a historical archaeologist, Esther spent over two decades excavating at George Washington’s Mount Vernon and directing the excavation and historical research for the reconstruction of Washington's distillery and gristmill that opened in 2007.
Her interests range from public interpretation of history and archaeology at historic sites, museum collections to material culture studies. She is the author of articles on diverse subjects, including early American whiskey distilling, Mount Vernon's gardens, and slave life. She loves working with students of all ages.
In her spare time, Esther enjoys researching family history and visiting historic sites.
She holds a bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina, a master's degree from the College of William and Mary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Leicester, and lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

History Revealed cannot do its work alone and seeks volunteers interested in helping us with our research goals. We love to work with anyone interested in history; we want those individuals (and classes) already invested in research, but also those willing to learn how to transcribe and to research.
Volunteers work primarily from the comfort of their own home or classroom, and they must be okay with working with digital technology (word processing and spreadsheets especially). We are always on the lookout for volunteers willing to help with databases or websites.
If you would be willing to volunteer on any of our projects, we look forward to hearing from you. Send us an email and let us know!